Book a Reiki Session

30 Minute Reiki Session $44
60 Minute Reiki Session $77

Spiritual healing occurs as we begin to consciously reconnect with our essential being – the wise, loving, powerful, creative entity that we are at our core.

– Shakti Gawain

60 Minute Crystal Reiki Session $111*
*Crystal Reiki Grid stays with you, providing 2 weeks of additional healing

Reiki works within our bodies and our own energy centers, aka chakras, healing any imbalances and aligning you with your highest good.

Balanced and aligned chakras are beneficial to healing and spiritual growth, but it is only a piece of the healing puzzle. Reiki is what connects our higher self with everything around us. 💫

30 minute Animal Reiki Sessions starting at $66

One finely tuned, unblocked being of the Universe.

Contact me to book your next session.

New Sweden, Maine
United States